Valerian - Châtelet Station, Direction Cassiopeia - Artist's Edition


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Artist's Edition of the 9th volume in the Valerian series : Châtelet Station, Direction Cassiopeia by Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières


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Data sheet

AuthorMézières et Christin
PublisherEditions Caurette
Number of pages80
Height (cm)47 cm
Width (cm)35 cm
Thickness (cm)1,5 cm
Weight (kg)2,5 kg
Release date2017

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Valérian, Legendary Adventures

Created at the end of the 60s by two geniuses of the comic genre, Pierre Christin (writing) and  Jean-Claude Mézières (art), Valérian is regarded as the epitome of science-fiction sagas. Millions of books were sold, the stories in them fascinating several generations of readers, but the universe of Valérian didn't stay just on paper: an anime (Japanese cartoon) was made in 2007 and a wonderful movie has been released in 2017 with many many thanks to Luc Besson!

After the success of Birds of the Master, Editions Caurette  are continuing to publish gorgeous 'coffee table art book' editions of the legendary Valerian books, painstakingly printed using a facsimile of the original pages.


Released in 1980, Châtelet Station, Direction Cassiopeia is another turning point in the Valerian and Laureline adventure series. Pierre Christin takes us through time and space in this skilfully orchestrated story, beautifully illustrated by the eminent Jean-Claude Mézières at the apex of his illustrative artistry!

Another source of great joy to Editions Caurette, is an interview graciously granted by the authors from their studio in Paris! This was an extraordinary privilege and opportunity  provided exclusive bonus material, photos and previously unpublished panels, and we are delighted to be able to share them with you in this edition.

Click below for a brief introduction to two of France's most famous artists in the comic illustration genre!

Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières laid the foundations of science fiction in comics with their series Valérian. In 2007, they celebrated the 40th anniversary of the series during the Angoulême festival

ci Fi, Science Fiction, Sci Fi films, Sci Fi comics, Science Fiction Comics, Science Fiction Illustration, Comic Books, Comic Art, Comic con, Comic Art Festivals, Angouleme, Pierre Christin, Jean-Claude Mezieres, Sketching Techniques, Drawing Techniques, Illustrators, French Comic Books

Valerian, Birds of the Master, Chatelet Station Direction Cassiopeia, Sci Fi, Science Fiction, Science Fiction Comics, Sci Fi films, Science fiction movies, Science Fiction Comics, Science Fiction Authors, Science Fiction Authors, Pierre Christin, Jean-Claude Mezieres, French Comic Art, French Comic Artists, French Comic Illustrators,

For more information on the album itself, you can read a great review (in English) on the Forbidden Planet website
