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Showcasing his entire Star Trek career to date, this visually stunning...
Here is the latest addition to the Moebius catalog, Destination Tassili...
Moebius - Set of 16 postcards "Inside Moebius"
Novatech Paper demi-mat white 300g/m2. Format 50 x 70 cm Fine Art Print...
SPECIAL FORMAT: 35 X 100 CMNovatech demi-mat white paper 300g/m2
SPECIAL FORMAT: 35 X 100 CMNovatech demi-mat white paper 300g/m2
50 x 70 cm format. Illustration by Jean Giraud "Moebius"
50 x 70 cm format (19,6 x 27,5 inches) White Novatech semi-matte paper...
50 x 70 cm format (19,6 x 27,5 inches) White Novatech semi-matte paper...
À l'occasion de son 65ème anniversaire, redécouvrez l'aventure Boule et...
The Kong Crew Tome 3 - Central Dark by Éric Hérenguel
Jean-Claude Mézières is the creator, along with Pierre Christin, of the celebrated Valerian and Laureline series. In 1984, he received the Grand Prix at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. In 1987, he co-directed Lady Polaris with Pierre Christin and some years later worked with Jean-Luc Besson on The Fifth Element. Mézières is a pionee...
Jean-Claude Mézières is the creator, along with Pierre Christin, of the celebrated Valerian and Laureline series. In 1984, he received the Grand Prix at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. In 1987, he co-directed Lady Polaris with Pierre Christin and some years later worked with Jean-Luc Besson on The Fifth Element. Mézières is a pioneer of the 9th art, a man of vision and imagination, it is a great honor to be working with him!
Artist's Edition of the 10th volume in the Valerian series : Brooklyn Station Terminus Cosmos by Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières // FRENCH VERSION More information available at :
Artist's Edition of the 9th volume in the Valerian series : Châtelet Station, Direction Cassiopeia by Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières // FRENCH VERSIONMore information available at :
Artist's Edition of the 5th volume in the Valerian series - Birds of the Master by Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières FRENCH VERSION No longer available More info on :
Dans ce onzième tome hors-série, la revue Tonnerre de Bulles rend hommage à Jean-Claude Mézières, dessinateur de la célèbre série de science-fiction, Valérian et Laureline. Édition spéciale, cartonnée et limitée à 250 exemplaires. ONLY IN FRENCH!
Dans ce onzième tome hors-série, la revue Tonnerre de Bulles rend hommage à Jean-Claude Mézières, dessinateur de la célèbre série de science-fiction, Valérian et Laureline. Édition souple. ONLY IN FRENCH!
Deluxe Edition of the 2nd volume in the Valerian series : Empire of a Thousand Planets by Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières Published by the Editions du Grand XXe// THIS BOOK IS IN FRENCH //More infos on : Le Grand XXe
This catalogue from famed Christie's auction sales, which took place on November 19th 2016, features numerous artworks from artists which made the history of comics. (Re)discover your classics through these +400 illustrated pages! In collaboration with Daniel Maghen Gallery.