Nikolay Georgiev - Fuelstains


Nuovo prodotto

Fuelstains, the first art book by Nikolay Georgiev.

Check out the successful crowdfunding campaign for this artbook (terminated on the 30th of June 2024).

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49,00 €

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Scheda tecnica

AutoreGEORGIEV Nikolay
EditoreEditions Caurette
Numero di pagine320
Altezza (cm)28
Larghezza (cm)21.4
Spessore (cm)1.5
Peso (kg)1.6
Data di pubblicazione2025


About the artist

Nikolay Georgiev a.k.a. "Fuelstains" on social media is an illustrator from the beautiful town of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Growing up, he had a strong interest in imaginative art, fantastical worlds, comics, animation and pop culture which led to him eventually graduating from the national art academia in Sofia. Then he took a deep dive into the video games industry where he immersed himself in digital painting, concept design and illustration, both traditional and digital. 

Nikolay is usually drawing in his free time and he welcomes you to investigate his art on social media: Instagram, Artstation, XThreads and Facebook!

About the book

Fuelstains has been in preparation for more than two years! Fuelstains is unique because it is both art and an art manual! There are several facets of art and design that nikolay wanted to highlight, especially choosing to cover the difficult and important aspects of rendering imaginative art and fantastical worlds. Equally important is to demonstrate the valuable drawing and watercolour techniques integral to Nikolay's career as a successful watercolour artist.

Nikolay explores six areas that dominate his fantasy drawing field:

  • Inhuman
  • Biomech
  • Tech
  • Mech Tutorial
  • Pervorsus Mos 
  • Appendix - Creative process

Leaf through Fuelstains with Nikolay Georgiev (16mn):
