Nessun prodotto
À l'occasion de son 65ème anniversaire, redécouvrez l'aventure Boule et...
The Kong Crew Tome 3 - Central Dark by Éric Hérenguel
Kalvachev was born in Bulgaria in 1972 and moved to the US in his 20s to begin a career in the entertainment industry. He has worked for movies such as Spiderman or The Incredibles. His career has allowed him to work everywhere in the world, including on the sets of Disney, Pixar, or Steven Spielberg.
Get your hands on all three volumes of the #hardcover series Kickstarter campaign successfully funded :) (+18)
An unprecedented artistic experience bringing together more than 110 artists, among whom: KIM Jung Gi, Armel GAULME, Benjamin LACOMBE, Stan MANOUKIAN, Jörg ASSELBORN, Viktor KALVACHEV, Vincent MALLIÉ, Loïc JOUANNIGOT, Sylvain DESPRETZ, Julien DELVAL, Juanjo GUARNIDO, Frédéric PILLOT and a lot more...