Gibrat - L'hiver en été


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L'hiver en été by Jean-Pierre Gibrat

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AutorJean-Pierre Gibrat
VerlegerDaniel Maghen
Höhe (cm)35
Breite (cm)26.5
Dicke (cm)2
Gewicht (kg)1.5

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L'Hiver en été is a tour-de-force from award winning writer/artist Jean-Pierre Gibrat, and is dedicated to Jean-Pierre Gibrat's work from last twenty years, in particular the beautifully illustrated historical graphic novel trilogy, Le Sursis, Le Vol du corbeau and Mattéo.

This is a highly memorable and appealing collection, rich in the great human tribulations  tragedies from the First World War, through the Russian Revolution, the Popular Front, and the Spanish Civil War, culminating in the soul piercing events of World War 2.

Gibrat's illustrations and stories resonate with us on a deeply emotional human level, whether we find his heroines in the middle of an exodus, among the refugees fleeing Paris or on the platform of a train station or returning to the capital after the German defeat.

Throughout the book, Jean-Pierre shares his love of  history, revealing with humour and sincerity, his influences in drawing, literature, cinema, and interesting career in art, from his first caricatures in the style of the Grandes Gueules to the marvellous depth of the Pilote years in an interview conducted by Rebecca Manzoni.

For more information, please visit the website of the publisher

About the Trilogy:

In this tour-de-force from award winning writer/artist Jean-Pierre Gibrat, the honor and glory sought in the Great War (seen in Book One of this series) have become mutilated and blurred memories. The October Revolution in Russia prompts hope in the hearts of the oppressed and draws in Mattéo, the son of a Spanish anarchist. But first he stops in Collioure to visit his mother. That same evening he sees his beloved Juliet for a brief but memorable moment, and the next day with his father's friend Gervasio, Mattéo departs for Petrograd with camera in hand to document the advent of the more just and honorable world of his ideals. But once there, he learns that those ideals may very well become victim of the disputes and differences between the various factions leading the revolution.
Occupied Paris, 18 June 1944. Denounced by an anonymous letter, Jeanne, a young resistance fighter, has just been arrested by the French police. The same day, François, an unscrupulous and somewhat cynical burglar, suffers the same fate and finds himself in the same cell at the same police station. When an alarm sounds, Jeanne and François escape through the roofs. From then on, by chance and necessity, the common fate of the two young people, who have nothing in common, seems to be sealed. For better or for worse.

June 1943. Hidden in the attic of the teacher's house, sealed by the militia, Julien observes the daily life of the village of Cambeyrac, where he grew up and where he is believed to be dead. Declared missing after the bombing of the train that was supposed to take him to Germany, from which he had escaped, he awaits the end of the war from his observation post. The acts of love and hate, the cowardice, the heroism and the compromises of the inhabitants of Cambeyrac unfold before his eyes, like so many banal and cruel pictures of occupied France. And then there is Cécile, the beautiful Cécile with whom he is secretly in love, and whose actions he tirelessly interprets day after day. Until fate, mocking and implacable, reminds him that all this was little more than a reprieve.

