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Sentience, Vanessa Lemen's first art book. Preorder - Check out the...
Sentience, Vanessa Lemen's first art book. Preorder - Check out the...
Catalogue dedicated to the works of French artist Jean-Pierre Gibrat,...
Official high-quality reproduction of Ioka Masahiro’s illustration for...
Official high-quality reproduction of Ioka Masahiro’s illustration for...
Official high-quality reproduction of Ioka Masahiro’s illustration for...
Ji Su Kim, also known as Miss Jisu, was born in South Korea’s Gyeongsangbuk-do Province.
She has majored in Comic Art and is currently working as an illustrator portraying women’s beauty.
JiSu Kim is known among her fellow artists for her precise and detailed artwork; her knowledge of the human anatomy combines elegance and style to offer us wo...
Ji Su Kim, also known as Miss Jisu, was born in South Korea’s Gyeongsangbuk-do Province.
She has majored in Comic Art and is currently working as an illustrator portraying women’s beauty.
JiSu Kim is known among her fellow artists for her precise and detailed artwork; her knowledge of the human anatomy combines elegance and style to offer us wonderful expressions and interpretations of the female shapes.
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