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Sentience, Vanessa Lemen's first art book. Preorder - Check out the...
Sentience, Vanessa Lemen's first art book. Preorder - Check out the...
Catalogue dedicated to the works of French artist Jean-Pierre Gibrat,...
Official high-quality reproduction of Ioka Masahiro’s illustration for...
Official high-quality reproduction of Ioka Masahiro’s illustration for...
Official high-quality reproduction of Ioka Masahiro’s illustration for...
"I have always had a love for sketches. I’d be lying if I said some of that didn’t stem from impatience, but it’s also the freshness of the marks and the artist’s hand that is so evident in the choices. What to show, what to hide and what to imply just enough to let the viewer’s imagination find its own path. That’...
"I have always had a love for sketches. I’d be lying if I said some of that didn’t stem from impatience, but it’s also the freshness of the marks and the artist’s hand that is so evident in the choices. What to show, what to hide and what to imply just enough to let the viewer’s imagination find its own path. That’s what has always fascinated me. Even with artists whose finished work I love, I make an effort to seek out their sketches and doodles. Insights into how they solve problems and build worlds. [...] And so I hope you enjoy the little journeys and the epic adventures penciled and inked and painted within this collection. And I hope they might inspire you to seek adventures of your own."
Daya: The first artbook by acclaimed artist Daniel Landerman!
Diese erste Band sammelt Werke von mehr als 120 internationalen Künstlern, darunter: KIM Jung Gi Daniela UHLIG Bastien LECOUFFE DEHARME Belen ORTEGA Pauline VOß Even Mehl AMUNDSEN Abigail LARSON
Sie fanden #hardcover gut und haben auf die zweite Folge gewartet? Mit großer Freude kündigen wir die bevorstehende Ankunft von #hardcover2 an! Sie können Ihr Exemplar jetzt direkt hier bestellen!
Get your hands on all three volumes of the #hardcover series Kickstarter campaign successfully funded :) (+18)