The Art of Harry Anderson


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The Art of Harry Anderson by Harry Anderson.

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Technische Daten

AutorHarry Anderson
VerlegerIllustrated Press
Höhe (cm)30.5
Breite (cm)23
Dicke (cm)2.2
Gewicht (kg)1.580

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This amazing book explores the life and work of illustrator Harry Anderson. This volume is printed in full color throughout and features over 300 illustrations. The book is 224 pages long and is filled to the brim with scores of beautiful illustrations reproduced from the original paintings, rare photographs, and published tear sheets.

Better than a long description, you can enjoy a complete oveview of the book on ISSUU

And for those who'd like more informations about the artist, here is his Wikipedia page. 

This YouTube review by Making Art in a Busy World also presents several books published by The Illustrated Press Inc., including 'The Art of Harry Anderson'. 
