Nessun prodotto
J'irai cracher sur vos tombes, by Boris Vian & adapted by Jean-David Morvan (French only)
Les morts ont tous la même peau by Boris Vian & adapted by Jean-David Morvan (French only)
Bricoles, gribouillis et fonds de tiroirs... An artbook by Christophe Chabouté
Speedbump: Non-Sens Unique by Dave Coverly
Dan Piraro - Bizarro 1: Bizarro-ci, Bizarro-là!
An unprecedented artistic experience bringing together more than 110 artists, among whom: KIM Jung Gi, Armel GAULME, Benjamin LACOMBE, Stan MANOUKIAN, Jörg ASSELBORN, Viktor KALVACHEV, Vincent MALLIÉ, Loïc JOUANNIGOT, Sylvain DESPRETZ, Julien DELVAL, Juanjo GUARNIDO, Frédéric PILLOT and a lot more...
Sylvain Runberg and the prodigious cartoonist Jae Kwang Park adapt one of the most ambitious and complex stories by Robert E. Howard. An adventure where epic battles, sorcery and conspiracies mingle in a mystical and anguishing fantasy Orient.
Edmund Kemper, l'ogre de Santa Cruz, from the "Stéphane Bourgoing présente les serial killers" series Adapted by Jean-David Morvan ONLY IN FRENCH
Gerard Schaefer, Sex Beast, from the series "Stéphane Bourgoing présente les serial killers" Adapted by Jean-David Morvan ONLY IN FRENCH
Ted Bundy, Lady Killer, from the "Stéphane Bourgoing présente les serial killers" series. Adapted by Jean-David Morvan and illustrated by Scietronc. ONLY IN FRENCH
Immerse yourself in the disturbing, gothic feminine universe of an exceptional artist. Oliver Ledroit's first erotic artbook transports us into a world of venomous beauty, where superb women offer themselves boldly and shamelessly to the reader's gaze.