MANN vol. 2



MANN Vol. 2 / Jeremy Mann

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Ficha técnica

AutorJeremy Mann
EditorRed Rabbit
Número de páginas444
Altura (cm)31
Ancho (cm)31.5
Espesor (cm)4.5
Peso (kg)3.920
Fecha de publicación2017

Más información

Unfathomably large and packed full with over 300 paintings, many of which are reproduced at actual size, from 6 x 6 inches, 12 x 12 inches, up to 12 x 24 inches. 

Many close up details are included, as well as much of the artist's personal photography made with his own homemade cameras giving us an intimate and rare glimpse behind the scenes of the genius at work.  This dramatic and striking collection of portraits and cityscapes is at once both vivid and sensual, capturing mood and movement as if effortlessly. 

As an extra feature there are seven interviews with journalists from around the world, from 2015 through 2017,  intimate conversations with the artist in which he  shares his viewpoint, process and artistic ideals.  These personal and revealing interviews complete a a massive compilation of  his most prolific period to date, spanning a time frame of two years.

Find Jeremy Mann on his Instagram or on his website.
