A riveting illustration of a dragon at rest, or is it? Beautifully rendered in shades of plum, silvery greys and glinting gold, there is much to command our attention and the telling of stories is all but a given.
50x70 cm (19.7x27.5 inches)
作者 | Adrian Smith |
编辑 | Daniel Maghen éditions |
书高 (cm) | 50 |
书本宽度 (cm) | 70 |
书的出版日期 | 2019 |
A riveting illustration of a dragon at rest, or is it? Its eyes are glowing slits, its ferocious teeth plainly visible, jaws seemingly relaxed as its head rests upon bounty and treasure, all in shining gold. Errant knights, long dead, with their armour and shield still bright, are evidence of failed valour.
Beautifully rendered in shades of plum, silvery greys and glinting gold, there is much to command our attention and the telling of stories is all but a given.
Adrian Smith is a British artist and illustrator best known for his numerous illustrations for Games Workshop. Adrian is especially well known for his work in the early days of Warhammer and 40k in creating a dark and serious atmospheric settings.
He has also worked in comics producing a number of covers for Toxic and is working on the French graphic novel series Broz.
Smith has illustrated cards for Magic the Gathering collectible card games.