Showcasing his entire Star Trek career to date, this visually stunning...
Here is the latest addition to the Moebius catalog, Destination Tassili...
À l'occasion de son 65ème anniversaire, redécouvrez l'aventure Boule et...
The Kong Crew Tome 3 - Central Dark by Éric Hérenguel
Marc Simonetti (born in 1977) is a French conceptual artist and illustrator. He worked on Valérian and the city of a thousand planets directly with Luc Besson as well as on a dozen films with the Moving Pictures Company LA, including the latest Aladdin and Maleficent 2.
He is best known for his work on GRR Martin's Game of Throne. He has also il...
Marc Simonetti (born in 1977) is a French conceptual artist and illustrator. He worked on Valérian and the city of a thousand planets directly with Luc Besson as well as on a dozen films with the Moving Pictures Company LA, including the latest Aladdin and Maleficent 2.
He is best known for his work on GRR Martin's Game of Throne. He has also illustrated some of the best-known fantasy and science fiction novels, such as Terry Pratchett's Discworld, Robin Hobb's trilogy The Royal Assassin, Patrick Rothfuss's Name of the Wind, Terry Brook's The Shannara Cycle, or Frank Herbert's Dune. He has also worked for numerous video game companies such as Activision, Ubisoft, Magic The Gathering, EA, Square Enix and King Isle Entertainment.
SOTA State of the art - A Digital Art Anthology featuring: Marc BRUNNET Ryan CHURCH Jonny DUDDLE Nathan FOWKES Goro FUJITA Simon GOINARD Raphaël LACOSTE Bastien LECOUFFE DEHARME Nikolai LOCKERTSEN Ian MCQUE Jean-Baptiste MONGE Marc SIMONETTI