Dave Coverly - Speed Bump 1: Non-Sens Unique (preorder)



Speedbump: Non-Sens Unique by Dave Coverly

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AutorDave Coverly
Número de páginas64
Altura (cm)28
Ancho (cm)22
Peso (kg)0.7
Fecha de publicación2019

Más información

Ironic, absurd and wacky, Coverly's drawings are a pitiless, merciless mirror of our society. As the author himself says: "If life were a movie, these sketches would be the scenes cut from the film". Today, these famous cut scenes appear daily in more than 400 newspapers including the Washington Post, the New Yorker, the Globe & Mail and the Chicago Tribune.

DAVE COVERLY has been publishing daily in major US press titles for over twenty-five years.

Welcome to SPEED BUMP!

For more informations about this book: visit the publisher website

Cartoonist, Illustrator, David Coverly, Band Dessinee, Speed Bump, Quirky, Modern SocietyDavid Coverly Creator of Speed Bump
