著者 | Apollonia SAINTCLAIR |
編集者 | Encre Sympathique |
製本 | Softcover |
ページ数 | 148 + 148 + 148 + 148 + 148 + 146 |
本の高さ (cm) | 28.5 |
本の幅 (cm) | 23 |
本の重さ (kg) | 2.38 |
舌 | English and French |
This bundle includes:
Ink is my Blood is a series of artbooks showcasing most of Apollonia Saintclair's graphic work.
You will also find an introduction written by the internationally acclaimed film directors Erika Lust or Anthony Byrne (Peaky Blinders), and many others!
You can find Apollonia on social medias:
Ink is my Blood - Volume 1 by Apollonia SAINTCLAIR Introduction by Erika Lust
Ink is my Blood - Volume 3 by Apollonia SAINTCLAIR Introduction by Anne Hautecoeur et Apollonia Saintclair.
Ink is my Blood - Volume 2 by Apollonia SAINTCLAIR Introduction by Anne Hautecoeur
Ink is my Blood - Volume 5 by Apollonia SAINTCLAIR (+18) Foreword by Anthony Byrne.
Ink is my Blood - Volume 6 by Apollonia SAINTCLAIR (+18) Final chapter of the INK IS MY BLOOD serie Foreword by Florian von Falkenstein