著者 | ZEEN Chin |
編集者 | ArtPage |
製本 | Hardcover |
ページ数 | 100 |
本の高さ (cm) | 36 |
本の幅 (cm) | 26 |
本の厚さ (cm) | 2 |
本の重さ (kg) | 1.45 |
舌 | English & Chinese |
本の発行日 | 2017 |
ISBN | 9787504499639 |
ZEEN Chin's first art illustration publication Re-Child is a collection of inspirations from his childhood living across a Taoist temple. Reflecting upon the "disparity of children and grown-ups" ZEEN Chin focused on the memories and carefree whimsical moments he had in the past and lets it playfully takeover his paintings. The book (of almost 100 pages) has full color illustrations, a few pieces of black ink paintings, and some paragraphs in chinese and english about the artist.
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