The Skillful Huntsman, illustrated by Khang Le, Mike Yamada, Felix Yoon and Scott Robertson.
Big Bad World of Concept Art for Video Games vol.2: How to Start your Careeer as a Concept Artist by Eliott Lilly.
S Curves: The Art of Shane Glines, Vol. 3 par Shane Glines
Tirage de luxe de Pinocchio adapté en bande dessinée par Luciano Bottaro pour le journal Il Giornalino en 1981 et publié par les éditions Periodici San Paolo en 1995. Une exclusivité des Éditions Caurette ! Tirage limité à 299 exemplaires, tous numérotés. French version only!
Ce qui reste du voyage de Jörg Asselborn (FRANCAIS)Présentation complète de l'ouvrage sur le site des Éditions Caurette
Bricoles, gribouillis et fonds de tiroirs... An artbook by Christophe Chabouté
The third instalment of the now-famous #hardcover saga. #hardcover3 Kickstarter here :)
Get your hands on all three volumes of the #hardcover series Kickstarter campaign successfully funded :) (+18)
Bundle of two Artbooks, Monochrome and Polychrome by Huang Jia Wei
Monochrome, black and white artbook by Huang Jia Wei
Worlds - The Art of Raphaël Lacoste Foreword by Ian McQueIntroduction by Sparth
ShenXin - Chinese ink 120 pictures of ancient fantasy animals TEXTS IN CHINESE
Noah - Faces Alive The artistic series about the journey of life, its loneliness and struggles for uneasy souls. Texts in english and chinese
The Art of Noah - Kuang Hong Noah Two books: Character & Concept et Illustration & Concept The first orders will get an exclusive box! TEXTS IN CHINESE
Oriental Fantasy - Collective Collection of digital fantasy illustrations with an Oriental theme!
500 Children Illustrations - Collective Collection of children's illustrations from more than a hundred international artists!
Wenjun Lin - Ghost Artbook in cloth bound hard cover with a folding fresco, with its own slipcase. Text in Chinese
500 Female Characters - Collective Collection of digital illustrations on the theme female characters
Reisereste by Jörg Asselborn - GERMAN -Kickstarter campaign sucessfully funded in December 2021!More information on the publisher's website
Remains of the Journey by Jörg Asselborn - ENGLISH -Kickstarter campaign sucessfully funded in December 2021!More information on the publisher's website
The Art of Pin-Up is a big slice of cheesecake brought to you by Dian Hanson. Based on the acclaimed XXL compendium, this accessible volume gathers nearly 100 pin-up artists, with showcase chapters for the top 10, including Gil Elvgren, George Petty and Alberto Vargas.
Le Codex de Simon de Thuillières rassemble près de 200 enluminures qui revisitent les personnages de notre pop culture telle qu’auraient pu la voir nos aïeux du moyen-âge. French version only!